Monthly letter archive

Christian Biblical Church of God

Post Office Box 1442

Hollister, California 95024-1442


Fred R. Coulter, Minister

July 14, 2005

Dear Brethren,

This past week—July 8 and 9—I traveled to Tulsa, Oklahoma. We had an excellent turn out with 100 brethren coming for Sabbath Services. We are including the sermon Today's Prophecy—the World, Israel and the Church that I gave in the afternoon. We need to realize that not only is God dealing with Israel and the nations of the world; also He is dealing with His Church. As we see prophecy in the world continually taking place, we need to be alert and continually watchful—not only the events in the world but our spiritual lives as well.

The week leading up to the Sabbath July 9 was an eventful week. The bombings in England and hurricane Dennis roared through the Caribbean, wreaking havoc in Haiti, Jamaica and Cuba. The hurricane then headed toward the Gulf Coast of Florida and Alabama—directly toward the same areas that were hit by hurricane Ivan last year just before the Feast of Tabernacles. After hitting Cuba, it slowed down a bit, it then blasted the USA with sustained winds of 120 mph. When Dennis hit the Gulf Coast, the eye of the storm barely missed Pensacola, Florida and Mobile, Alabama. In the areas where Dennis hit, they did not suffer quite as much damage as expected because it moved through very quickly. However, it dumped a lot of rain causing major flooding in areas further north and east.

In Gulf Shores, before Dennis hit, it was reported that there was still a great deal of damage that had not yet been repaired as a result of hurricane Ivan the year before. Ivan wiped out some of the facilities that brethren have stayed in for years and the owners are not planning to rebuild. As you know, last year, because of Ivan and the devastation it created, we were forced to cancel the Feast of Tabernacles in Foley, Alabama.

Considering these factors coupled with the fact that the hurricane season this year has just started, we will take a careful look at the overall situation. The experts predict that there will be more hurricanes than last year. So far their predictions are correct. In fact, last year they predicted that the hurricane season this year would start early. It did! Hurricane Dennis was the earliest that a hurricane has hit the United States since 1871. As I write this letter, there is another storm developing. It appears that it may become a hurricane, as well. When we consider all these factors, we may be forced to cancel the Feast of Tabernacles in Foley, Alabama again this year. We will let everyone know if and when we have to make that decision.

Calendar Material: In this mailing, we have also included two new articles on the Calculated Hebrew Calendar by Carl Franklin. They are entitled: Why the Crucifixion of Christ Could Not Have Occurred in 31 AD and Ambassador College and Recent Digital Calculated Hebrew Calendar History. Carl wrote these articles because many brethren have asked questions concerning the year of Jesus' crucifixion: When did it occur, in 30 or 31 AD? Those who have the first two editions of the harmony of the Gospels can see that in these publications, I also had the crucifixion in 31 AD. Further research into the historical facts and the Calculated Hebrew Calendar, we now can conclude that there is no question Jesus was crucified on the Passover day in 30 AD, and not in 31 AD.

In the third edition of the Harmony of the Gospels, and also in the New Testament, you will find appendices showing these new historical and true calendar facts corroborate beyond any doubt that Jesus was born in 5 BC and was crucified in 30 AD. However, there is still a problem to this day in many, if not most, churches of God. Still there is the misconception and belief that Jesus was crucified in 31 AD instead of the correct year of 30 AD. These mistaken assumptions concerning the Calculated Hebrew Calendar have been causing problems for over 50 years. As you will see, the problems arose because Dr. Herman Hoeh made errors in his research. Together with erroneous assumptions, and lack of thorough research, he mistakenly declared that the crucifixion occurred in 31 AD.

In these two articles Carl clarifies where Dr. Hoeh missed the mark creating the false assumptions that led to these errors. Before Dr. Hoeh died, he admitted these errors. The information contained in these articles, though a little technical in some points is vitally important and answers these lingering questions once and for all. I am very happy that Carl has written these papers. We will also add them to the other calendar information that we have accumulated on the Calculated Hebrew Calendar. We need to always remember that God will lead us into all the truth, if we truly seek the truth.

Revelation Series: We are working on the material that we need for the Revelation Series. First, I need to finish a short series on the Book of Daniel. While we have many tapes on Revelation, we have nothing on Daniel. However, a basic understanding of Daniel is essential before a person can fully understand Revelation. Daniel begins the prophetic outline of future history; Revelation then concludes the outline for the fulfillment of those prophecies. As I do those sermons and studies, we will mail them to you. When the entire series is finished, you can order the rest of the tapes. We will also have it online so anyone can download them.

The Secrets of Halloween and the Other Occult Holidays: When we first began this project, we were going to make a booklet about Halloween. But the more we became involved it, the more we began to see and understand that all the holidays of the world are connected. Halloween is actually the beginning and ending of the occult year. All the holidays are based it and on the solar year. While it is taking longer than I anticipated, we will have a complete book exposing the holidays of this world as the occult holidays of Satan the devil. The "Christianity" of this world is completely wrapped up in the observance of these days.

When you read this book you will understand why the churches of this world teach that people don't need the Old Testament. The reason is that if they read and believed the Old Testament, they would clearly recognize that God detests and abhors these pagan, occult satanic holidays. In fact, throughout the Old Testament God condemns these days and practices as abominations. Remember, it is mother "Babylon the Great" who is the author of these abominations and holidays that now masquerade as "Christian" observances. When this book is finished it will be a complete expose of all the pagan holidays of this world. We are getting close to finishing it. We will keep you posted.

We are nearly ready to make a second printing of the third edition of the Harmony of the Gospels. Also, we have been sending out so many of the book, The Day Jesus the Christ Died that we will need to order a third printing of it as well. This means that we have sent out nearly 16,000 of the Day the Christ Jesus Died and over 22,000 of the Harmony of the Gospels. The New Testament is also having a great impact on people.

Brethren, since we are sending you the two articles on the Calculated Hebrew Calendar by Carl, I have made this a short letter. Once again thank you for your love, prayers and continued support in serving the brethren and reaching other people through our publications, books, tapes, and Websites. May God continue to bless you with His love, grace and mercy in every thing.

With love in Christ Jesus,

Fred R. Coulter

