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In God's initial creation of all life forms, He fashioned within them the ability to reproduce after their own kind (Gen. 1:20-25). He created all animals as male and female—as He did human life. Accordingly, they are able to procreate—produce offspring after their kind. It is the same with flora. Through seeds, plant life is reproduced after its kind. Thus, while God upholds and controls the universe and the earth, He continues the miracle of creating life. Whether human, mammal, reptile, fish, fowl or plant, God’s creation of life continues through various means of procreation.

Throughout God’s creation, we find similarity of design—all pointing to a single Creator. But we also find tremendous diversity and uniqueness. Every grain of sand, every pebble or stone, every snowflake - each is similar, but unique. An entire forest of maple trees has the same overall pattern and color, yet each tree—even each leaf—is unique.

It is the same with animal life: There are classes and genera of life incorporating various species, yet each individual creature within a species has its own unique genetic identity—and this uniqueness removes the possibility of having exact duplicates. This uniqueness found within a broad similarity of design is absolute evidence that evolution’s “random selection” could never have produced what we see throughout the universe, the earth, and within all life!

Most importantly, this uniqueness is a prominent feature of human life. God created within Adam and Eve the genetics necessary for the production of all the various races.


Human Life Continues—In Spite of Sin

When Adam and Eve sinned against God—and believed the serpent’s lie that they could decide for themselves what was good and what was evil— they actually placed themselves under the authority of Satan the devil. Thus, Lucifer became the “god” of this world. While the true God has maintained His overall sovereignty, He has allowed mankind to go its own way. Only the pre-Flood patriarchs listed in Genesis five believed God and were counted as righteous.

Genesis four relates a summary of the line of Cain. Cain and all of his descendants, as well as the unrighteous ones of Seth’s line, followed and worshiped Satan. Thus, the whole world became filled with violence, corruption, wickedness and evil. God’s judgment was to destroy mankind with the Great Flood, But preserve the human family, as well as the animals, God instructed Noah to build an ark to carry him, his family, and the animals through the flood. God saved only eight people—Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives. 1

After the flood mankind again increased in number—and soon returned to serving Satan, false gods and idols.

In spite of mankind’s sinful behavior, the process of human procreation has continued exactly as God intended. Indeed, God has continued to display His creative power in the numerous miracles involved in the procreation of new human life. Moreover, the procreation of human life will continue until the end of this present phase of God’s plan.

In His mercy, God has again filled the earth with people, having formed them into various families, tribes and nations. The Word of God proclaims that He has made them all: “All nations whom You have made…” (Psa. 86:9). The apostle Paul writes, “And He made of one blood all the nations of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth, having determined beforehand their appointed times and the boundaries of their dwelling” (Acts 17:26).

In the future, after Jesus Christ returns to the earth as King and Savior of the world, this Psalm will be fulfilled: “Shout for joy to the LORD, all the has continued exactly as God intended. Indeed, God has continued to singing. Know that the LORD, He is God. He has made us, and we are His; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture” (Psa. 100:1-3).

Yet because of the almost infinite combination of genes and chromosomes, the genetic code of every human being is unique. Though all human beings, male and female, are made in the image of God (according to the “God kind”), there are no two individuals exactly alike—not even so-called “identical twins”!


What Scientists Have Discovered About Human Genetics

The discovery of genes and chromosomes was a landmark event in science. However, it was not until 1990 that scientists began to “map” the human genome - to catalog every gene in the human body. In fact, advanced genetic research has given scientists a look at just how intricate God has made man and woman—particularly in the area of human reproduction.

But because scientists ignore the Bible, they could not know of one of the most important aspects of human makeup—the spirit of man. This means they are unaware of the power God actually uses in creating human beings in the womb. Indeed, such ignorance only helps to keep scientists in the dark concerning God’s purpose for mankind.

The presence of this unique spirit in humans explains why genetics alone cannot account for human personality and behavior. In her book concerning genetics, How to Reprogram Your DNA for Optimum Health, Adelle LaBrec writes:

"Many scientists predicted that the success of the [human genome] project would radically reconfigure not only the world of medicine, but the world as we know it. Once the estimated 25,000 [to 100,000] genes that make up human DNA had been sequenced, we would have unlocked the genetic key to how we look, feel, think, and behave. With the huma genome map in hand, many scientists believed that there would quite be no more mysteries about human life. As Jean-Pierre Issa, professor of microbiology at Temple University, puts it, ‘When the human genome was sequenced, some scientists were saying, "That's the end. We're going to understand every disease. We’re going to understand every behavior” ’ ” 2

LaBrec continues: “However, when the Human Genome Project finally concluded in March of 2000, it quickly became clear that these hopes had been overly optimistic to some degree…. [A] piece of the puzzle was still missing. And it was a critical piece with respect to providing a full and complete view of human health and the role of genes in the development of disease. ‘As it turns out,’ Issa notes, the picture was incomplete because ‘the sequence of DNA isn't enough to explain behavior. It isn't enough to explain the diseases.’

“In the decade since, scientists have discovered that genes tell only part of the story. The rest is written in epigenetics—alterations to the way that genetic traits are expressed. These epigenetic alterations do not change the DNA sequence itself, but they are extremely influential nevertheless.” 3 

“Before delving into the world of epigenetics, a quick review of genetics is in order. As the word ‘epigenetics’ itself indicates, the two subjects are inextricably enmeshed. Each cell in your body is formed from 46 chromosomes, 23 from the mother’s egg and 23 from the father’s sperm. These chromosomes contain 60,000 to 100,000 genes in the form of deoxyribonucleic acid, a complex molecule commonly known as DNA. As the primary hereditary unit for all living things, DNA contains the information needed to build and maintain a living organism.

“Your DNA provides the raw material for your physical appearance and personality. When your cells duplicate, they pass this genetic information on to the newly formed cells. These immature cells are known as stem cells, and stem cells have the potential to become any type of fully differentiated adult cells. All of your cells—from those making up the nail on your pinky finger to those forming the innermost chamber of your heart - have an identical DNA blueprint, regardless of how completely different the functions [of] each cell ... may be.” 4

“Ultimately, your genes carry the instructions that not only first allowed your body (and every organ, tissue, and cell) to develop, but that also now allow your body to create all the things it needs to function. Those functions are set by your epigenes, which instruct fetal cells to develop according to their intended roles. Until recently scientists believed that cellular function was 'set' during gestation, but it has now been shown that epigenes are actively involved in cell function over the entire course of a person’s life.” 5

Going beyond the structure and function of individual cells, quantum physics is the study of the universe and all living things on a subatomic level: “One of the most empowering aspects of quantum physics is that the universe is fluid and always changing. In fact, what quantum physics teaches us is that the universe is renewed on a subatomic level every few seconds....

“On a subatomic level, everything in our lives—external and internal— is refreshed and renewed every trillionth of a second or so. Therefore, by the laws of quantum physics, every moment is literally a new beginning.

“Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work reflects a deep respect for and understanding of these laws of quantum physics. His breakthrough studies revealed that epigenes, located on the cell [outer] membrane, transmit electromagnetic signals to the interior of the cells. These signals are produced by our senses, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Just as you mentally adjust to your environment, so, too, your cells respond to their environment.

“Dr. Lipton compared the outer layer of the cell—the epigene—to a computer chip. If your DNA is your genetic hardware, your epigenes are your software. Research conducted by Dr. Lipton between 1987 and 1992 showed that the epigene conveys information about environmental factors that control the behavior and physiology of the [individual] cell…. In his two major publications discussing his discoveries, Dr. Lipton explained how molecular pathways connect the mind and body, and more importantly, how retraining our thinking can change our bodies. This is both inspiring and motivating, because if we can change our cells by changing our minds, our lives are not completely controlled by our DNA.” 6

Cutting-edge bio-molecular science gives us great insight into the complexity of human life, especially concerning how our bodies and minds function. However, because the spirit of man is invisible, science remains ignorant of this unique power from God that actually facilitates the creation of human life in the womb and that sustains one’s life until death—as “the body is dead without the spirit” (James 2:26).

The Bible affirms that even those of ancient times had some knowledge of the spirit of man—the spirit that God gives to each human at conception. They understood that it was this spirit that actually brought about the creation of life in the womb. When speaking to the patriarch Job, the young Elihu said, "The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life” (Job 33:4). Elihu was referring to the fact that it was God Who made and formed him in his mother’s womb by His Spirit (Zech. 12:1). The prophet Isaiah refers to God as the one who “created the heavens and stretched them out, spreading forth the earth”—who “gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it” (Isa. 42:5).

Without a doubt, it is the spirit of man that imparts godlike attributes to humans. It makes it possible for us to think and reason. Paul writes, “For who among men understands the things of man except by the spirit of man which is in him? (I Cor. 2:11). This confirms Elihu’s declaration, “But there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty gives them understanding” (Job 32:8).

King David praised God for the knowledge that He is the one who creates life in the womb. He understood that procreation occurs according to a set order or pattern: “I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Your works are marvelous and my soul knows it very well. My substance was not hidden from You when I was made in secret and intricately formed in the lowest parts of the earth [symbolic of the womb]. Your eyes did see my substance, yet being unformed; and in Your book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there were none of them” (Psa. 139:14-16).

Today, the scientific name for newly conceived life, yet unformed, is still “substance.” The “members” written in God’s “book” of procreation are now called the “human genome.” By the power of God’s Spirit working through the spirit of man, all the “members” or parts of a newly conceived infant are fashioned throughout its nine months in the womb. The growing baby is the combined genetic expression of his or her father and mother. Moreover, every human being has ultimately descended from the original genes that God created in Adam and Eve. Thus, David proclaimed to God, “Your hands have made me and formed me” (Psa. 119:73).

This statement is true because God created the original genes and chromosomes in Adam and Eve—containing within them an almost infinite variety of human characteristics - from which all mankind would be produced through procreation. Thus, all human beings down through time have been formed by God.

God explained this to the prophet Jeremiah: “And it came to pass, the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the belly I knew you [this means God knew Jeremiah at the instant of his conception]; and before you came forth out of the womb I consecrated you, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:4-5).

Indeed, each individual is unique; each newly begotten baby is a special creation, being “made and formed” by God. In human procreation, it is the father who begets the new human life in the womb of the mother. This begettal takes place when a sperm from the father penetrates the ovum of the mother and conception occurs. It is at this precise instant that God gives the spirit of man and a new human being is conceived. Jesus said, “It is the Spirit that gives life” (John 6:63).

Infused with the power of the spirit of man, the combined genetic material from the father and the mother of the newly conceived infant begins to develop immediately. Without the spirit of man there can be no human life. Since the spirit of man is invisible, science remains ignorant of this unique power from God that actually facilitates the creation of human life in the womb and that sustains one’s life until death—as “the body is dead without the spirit” (James 2:26).

At this instant of conception, a miracle takes place. In his book Young Again, John Thomas describes this “bio-electric/spirit” event:

“Human sperm makes the long trip into the woman’s fallopian tubes to fertilize the ovum with power generated by the mitochondria. The base of the sperm’s tail is heavily laden with mitochondria. When sperm fertilizes the egg (ovum), the electrical discharge of 480,000 volts of electricity comes from both the sperm and the ovum. Both are ‘energy’ bodies—one is HUGE, the other is miniscule....

"The electrical discharge the ovum generates is only 0.19 volts. The discharge by the sperm is 25,263,157 times GREATER than that of the ovum - a huge difference! There is a massive difference in physical size between the sperm and ovum. The volume of the ovum id 1,760,0003 microns; and the sperm 213 microns. When we divide the size of the ovum by the size of the sperm, we find that the egg is 83,809 times GREATER! These differences in physical size and electrical potential generate the release of the 480,000 volts called bio-electric lightning!”7

Thomas continues: “The electric ‘discharge’ coagulates [and seals] the ovum’s outer surface, preventing penetration by other sperm. This massive electrical event is the beginning of a new 'life!' Death is a similar - but opposite—electrical event where ‘spirit’ energy exits the body and returns from whence it came.” 8

At the instant of conception, when this “bio-electric discharge” takesplace, God gives the spirit of man—thus creating the beginning of a new human life. While this discharge can be detected by specialized instruments, it is invisible. It is the spirit of man from God that empowers the combined genes and chromosomes from the father9 and the mother10 to begin developing a new human life according to the sequence God has designed. Thus, it takes three components to create each new human being: First, the sperm from the father; second, the ovum from the mother; and third, the spirit of man from God.

Though this new life is only the size of a microscopic speck of dust, it is still a unique human life. It already contains all of the genetic information it will ever need; all that is required is the time it takes to develop in the womb, to have a live birth, and then grow into an adult.

During the baby’s formation in the womb, as soon as its heart begins to function, it begins to partake of the “breath of life” through the transfer of oxygen from the blood of the mother, through the placenta and umbilical cord, into the blood of the infant.

Using advanced imaging technology, doctors can take 3-D pictures of developing infants in the womb. Indeed, we can now witness the entire miraculous process—from conception to birth! While in the womb, the new baby boy or girl lives in a watery environment. Once born, however, the infant’s environment suddenly changes. The birthing process involves a rapidly-occurring series of miracles on the part of the mother and the baby, all of which must be perfectly timed and sequenced in order to have a successful delivery.

The following pages feature extraordinary images of God's actual creation of new human life in the womb through procreation!



Each person at conception receives 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother, for a total of 46 chromosomes. The chromosome that determines sex comes from the father. The male chromosome is designated the Y chromosome; the female chromosome is called the X chromosome. While the father produces both Y and X chromosomes, each sperm cell will carry only one Y or one X chromosome. The mother produces only the X chromosome, and each ovum contains only one. When a sperm cell carrying the Y chromosome impregnates the mother, the infant will be a boy. This is why a male is genetically designated as XY. When a sperm cell carrying the X chromosome impregnates the mother, the infant will be a girl. Thus, the female is designated as XX.



The sperm from the father begets a new life in the egg of the mother.



At conception, the size is less than the dot in this square, and that is the beginning of human life! As full grown adults, we are trillions of times larger.



The first division of new human cells, which takes  place right after conception.



What? That zygote doesn’t look human? Well, not yet! It’s growing, so it must be alive. It has human parents, so it must be human. In fact, that zygote is a girl! And she has her own unique set of human DNA. Her DNA will guide her body’s development over the next nine months—and over her entire lifetime!



At 5-6 weeks of gestation…

Despite being only a quarter of an inch long, her nose, mouth, and ears are already taking shape! Her heart is beating about 100 times a minute (almost twice as fast as yours) and blood is beginning to circulate through her body. Brain waves have been detectable for at least 2-3 weeks already!



At just 7 weeks gestation…



At about 10 weeks…

All of her major body functions are up and running: the kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver are all working. Her tiny arms and legs can already start to flex. Most abortions in the United States take place around this time. If she is lucky, her mom will love her enough to let her live.



At 12 weeks…

Her muscles are beginning to bulk up, so she’s busily stretching and kicking. If you put your hand on your tummy, she’ll likely wiggle in response (although you won’t feel it yet) because her reflexes are starting to develop.



At 16 weeks gestation…

This week, the baby is going through a growth spurt. Soon she’ll be growing locks of hair on her head and she’s already started growing toenails. Her heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood through her body every day!



Sucking her thumb at about 18-20 weeks gestation…

Right about now she has her own unique set of fingerprints.



At 6 months gestation…

The baby can now respond to external sounds by moving and increasing the pulse. A mother may notice jerking motions if the baby hiccups!



Around 6-7 months gestation…



At around 8 months gestation…

This baby can hear and is beginning to recognize her mother’s voice. Her skin is pink and she is already beginning to get that cute, chunky appearance that newborns have. That extra fat is very important because it allows the baby to regulate her temperature after birth.




The Wait and the Reward

Artwork by Anna Rose Bain Original painting size 30X30 inches, oil on linen Self portrait begun when artist was 34 weeks pregnant and  completed when her daughter was two weeks old. Used with permission by the artist, www.artworkbyannarose.com





The Glory of the Sand of the Sea  

When God confirmed His covenant promises to Abraham, He declared that his physical descendants would be as “the sand of the sea” (Gen. 22:17).  Later, King David wrote this concerning God’s creation of man and woman: “You have made him a little lower than God and have crowned him with glory and honor.” The following pictures of grains of sand, magnified 250 times, reveal that even ordinary grains of sand contain a hidden beauty and glory that is symbolic of human “glory and honor,” which God created in mankind



The tip of a spiral shell has broken off and become a grain of sand. After being repeatedly tumbled by the action of the surf, this spiral sand grain has become opalescent in character. It is surrounded by bits of coral, a pink shell fragment, a foram (a type of protozoa), and volcanic material. Photo copyright Dr. Gary Greenberg. www.sandgrains.com



The glacially deposited sands around Lake Winnibigoshish, Minnesota, contain abundant sediments from the igneous and metamorphic minerals of the Lake Superior basin. A sample includes pink garnets, green epidote, iron-rich red agates, black magnetite, and hematite. Image Copyright 2008 Dr. Gary Greenberg. www.sandgrains.com



A handful of sand grains selected from a beach in Maui and arranged on a black background. Photo copyright Dr. Gary Greenberg. www.sandgrains.com



Every grain of sand is a jewel waiting to be discovered. That’s what Dr. Gary Greenberg found when he first turned his microscope on the beach sand. Gemlike minerals, colorful coral fragments, and delicate microscopic shells reveal that sand comprises much more than tiny beige rocks. www.sandgrains.com



Many grains of sand are tiny crystals (shiny, flat sided solids). Sand from Zushi Beach, Japan, contains what looks like a sapphire crystal. The crystal is larger than the surrounding grains and has survived eroding because of its hardness and quality. Image Copyright 2008 Dr. Gary Greenberg. www.sandgrains.com




Glassy red and black volcanic sand grains are found in the sand from Makena Point, Hawaii. Image copyright Dr. Gary Greenburg. www.sandgrains.com


 Chapter 4 Notes:

1. “And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD repented that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. And the LORD said, ‘I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, and the crawling thing, and the fowl of the air; for I repent that I have made them.’

“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man and perfect in his generations, for Noah walked with God. And Noah begat three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.  

“Now the earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt— for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth. And God said to Noah, ‘The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And, behold, I will destroy them with the earth’ ” (Gen. 6:513).

2. Adelle LaBrec, How to Reprogram Your DNA for Optimum Health; ThinkOutside-the-Book Publishing, Beverly Hills, Calif. 2014; p.1

3. Ibid, p .2

4. Ibid, pp. 8-9

5. Ibid, p. 9

6. Ibid, pp. 12-13

7. John Thomas, Young Again! How to Reverse the Aging Process; Plexus Press, Mead, Wash. 2006; pp. 255-256

8. Ibid, p. 252

9. Facts about male sperm: From puberty, males continually produce sperm. The average man will produce roughly 525 billion sperm cells over his reproductive lifetime—and will shed at least 1 billion of them per month (www.scienceline.org; June 2008).

10. Facts about female eggs (ovum): Women are born with an average of two million egg follicles, the reproductive structures that give rise to eggs. By puberty, a majority of those follicles will have closed up and only about 450 will ever release mature eggs for potential fertilization (www.scienceline.org; June 2008)

Throughout a woman’s reproductive life, the vast majority of follicles will expire through a process known as atresia, which actually begins at birth. When a woman reaches puberty and starts to menstruate, only about 400,000 follicles remain. With each menstrual cycle a thousand follicles are lost, and only one lucky little follicle will actually mature into an ovum (egg), which is released into the fallopian tube, kicking off ovulation. This means that of the one to two million follicles present at birth, only about 400 will ever mature (Go Ask Alice; www.columbia.edu).

During fetal life, there are about 6 to 7 million eggs. From this time no new eggs are produced. At birth, there are approximately 1 million eggs; and by the time of puberty, only about 300,000 remain. Of these, only 300 to 400 will be ovulated during a woman’s reproductive lifetime (www.clevelandclinic.org).

By the time a woman is 30, nearly all of her ovarian eggs are gone for good. According to a study published by the University of St. Andrews and Edinburgh University in Scotland, women who put off childbearing for too long could have difficulty conceiving. The study found that women have lost 90 percent of their eggs by the time they are 30, and only have about 3 percent remaining by the time they are 40 (ABC News; Jan. 29, 2010).

11. Abortion is murder: Each newly conceived human being is only the size of a microscopic speck of dust, yet it is still a unique human life. It already contains all of the genetic information it will ever need; all that is required is the time it takes to develop in the womb, to have a live birth, and then grow into an adult. Thus, we have absolute proof from the Word of God and from modern science that human life begins at conception. Therefore, abortion is the murder of a human being!


Did You Know?...

There are miracles going on in our bodies every day. As we age, we may feel like our body is beginning to creak and fail us on the outside, but consider the incredible work that is taking place inside of it. There is so much going on and everything fits together so well, that it is almost impossible to comprehend it, all of which proves that they had to be created by God.

Your heart pumps approximately 2000 gallons (7571 liter) of blood through its chambers every single day. It beats more than 100,000 times a day to achieve this incredible feat.

You take around 17,000 breaths a day on average, and don’t have to think about a single one of them. A typical pair of adult lungs can hold a huge six liters of air.

Every day your body ensures you don’t contract cancer thousands of times over. Cancer is formed when cells are altered in a way which reprograms their DNA and it’s estimated that tens of thousands of cells suffer cancer-causing lesions every day. But the body sends special enzymes scuttling around to inspect DNA strands for faults and fix them before they turn into tumors.

Your brain doesn’t stop working. It’s estimated that about 50,000
60,000 thoughts pass through it each day. That is a whopping 35-48 thoughts every minute.

The cells in your stomach lining produce an alkaline substance every few milliseconds to neutralize stomach acid. If they didn’t do this, your stomach would digest itself because some of the acids are strong enough to dissolve metals.

You blink your eyes about 28,800 times every day, with each one lasting just a tenth of a second. This is a voluntary reflex the body uses to keep the eyes clean and moist, which is pretty crucial given that 90% of the information you process is visual.

Most of the body’s energy is expelled via heat. Your body produces the same heat as 25 light bulbs over the course of a single day.

Red blood cells literally shoot around the body, taking less than 60 seconds to complete a full circuit. This means that each of yours makes 1400 trips around your body every day, delivering oxygen and keeping your body energized. Each cell lives for about 40 days, making 60,000 trips around the body!

Your liver manufactures cholesterol, vitamin D & blood plasma; it identifies the nutrients your body needs, and stores some away for future use; it filters 1.53 quarts (1.43 liters) of blood every minute and produces a quart (0.94 liters) of bile every day to help you break down your food. You shed more than 1 million skin cells every single day but they are constantly replenished automatically. Your skin is actually the largest organ you have, with a surface area of 18 square feet (2 square meters).

Your hair grows about half a millimeter per day, and the average adult with a full scalp has around 100,000 hairs on their head. So that is a combined 50 meters of hair growth every single day.

The brain and mouth work together to allow us to speak an average of around 5000 words a day. Some studies suggest men average about 2000 words per day but only about 500-700 of those words uttered by either sex is useful information.

The glands in your mouth produce 1-5 liters of saliva every day.

Each of your kidneys contain 1 million tiny filters that work together to filter an average of 2.2 pints of blood every minute—that’s 3168 pints
(1872 liters) every single day, despite each kidney being only the size of a fist. If that wasn’t enough, they also expel an average of 2.5 pints (1.4 liters) of urine from your body every day also.

You grow 8mm every night while sleeping, before shrinking back down again the next day. This saves you from some pretty hefty clothing bills and ensures you don’t have to raise the door frames every year or two.

Your body works overtime to digest your food and the process starts before it even hits your mouth. When you smell food, your mouth automatically produces more saliva to prepare the digestive system for work. It takes about 6-8 hours for food to pass through the stomach and two days to complete the digestion process. The average person will eat over 50 tons of food in his or her lifetime, which seems ridiculous!

And most amazing of all, your body cells are regenerating themselves every single day without any prompting. This means you have an entirely new set of taste buds every ten days, new nails every 6-10 months, new bones every 10 years and even a new heart every 20 years.
