Book: THE OBEDIENCE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN & How Christian Rulers Ought to Govern

AFTER that Eve was deceived of the serpent, God said unto her, Genesis 3 “Thy lust [desire] or appetite shall pertain unto thy husband; and he shall rule thee, or reign over thee.” God, which created the woman, knoweth what is in that weak vessel, (as Peter calleth her,) and hath therefore put her under the obedience of her husband, to rule her [desires] and wanton appetites. 1 Peter 3 exhorteth wives to “be in subjection to their husbands, after the ensample of the holy women which in old time trusted in God, and as Sara obeyed Abraham and called him lord.” Which Sara, before she was married, was Abraham’s sister, and equal with him; but, as soon as she was married, was in subjection, and became without comparison inferior: for so is the nature of wedlock, by the ordinance of God. It were much better that our wives followed the ensample of the holy women of old time in obeying their husbands, than to worship them with a Paternoster , an Ave and a Credo , or to stick up candles before their images. Paul, Ephesians 5 saith, “Women, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord.

For the husband is the wife’s head, even as Christ is the head of the congregation. Therefore, as the congregation is in subjection to Christ, likewise let wives; be in subjection unto their husbands in all things.” “Let the woman, therefore, fear her husband,” as Paul saith in the said place. For her husband is unto her in the stead of God, that she obey him, and wait on his commandments; and his commandments are God’s commandments. If she therefore grudge against him, or resist him, she grudgeth against God, and resisteth God.