Book: Beliefs and Doctrines of the New Testament Church

Sin is the transgression of the holy laws and commandments of God, whether in the letter or the spirit of the law. Therefore, sin is lawlessness or anti-law. Sin is also a defilement of one’s conscience. When a person knows to do good and doesn’t do it, it is sin. The ultimate penalty for sin is eternal death. Upon deep and sincere repentance toward God, one’s sins will be forgiven by faith in the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the payment of those sins through the mercy of God the Father. The only unpardonable sin is persistent, knowledgeable and willful transgression of the commandments and laws of God. This sin cannot be forgiven because it is willful rejection of God’s salvation, willful rejection of and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God the Father, and despising the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as an unholy thing. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the sin of condemning the works of God the Father, accomplished through the power of His Holy Spirit, and attributing such works to Satan the devil. When a person has committed the unpardonable sin, his or her conscience is seared with a hot iron, and it is impossible to be convicted by the Holy Spirit and be led to repentance. God’s judgment for the unpardonable sin is the second death, or eternal death, from which there is no resurrection.

Scriptural References

I John 3:4 Rom. 7:12-14 I John 1:5-2:2
Acts 2:38 Eph. 1:7 Eph. 1:7; 2:1-10
I John 5:17 Jas. 2:10-11; 4:12 Gal. 5:19-21
Rom. 6:23 Rom. 14:23 Acts 3:19
Mat. 12:31-32 Heb. 6:4-6 Gal. 1:8-9
Heb. 10:26-27 Rev. 20:14-15 Rev. 21:8