Book: America & Britain

Few realize just how powerful and wealthy Britain and America have been. Fewer still are aware of why those unparalleled blessings of prosperity and world dominance are now rapidly slipping away. Why has Great Britain—no longer considered great by any standard—lost its vast empire? With the exception of a few remaining Commonwealth partners, the once-unequalled British Empire is no more: Gone are her incalculable worldwide resources and wealth; gone is her dominant political and military influence in global affairs. Once a maritime superpower and ruler of a quarter of the world, Britain now occupies a rather isolated position as an economically strained island.

Why is America today despised and mocked around the world? After World War II, the United States was the world’s hero, the envy of every nation. Whole societies around the world followed her lead, imitated her customs, longed after her lavish lifestyle—and looked to her for financial aid, which she gladly provided. But today, America is in steep decline, edging closer and closer to economic ruin. Plagued by moral and spiritual decay, she has seemingly lost sight of her God-ordained role in this world. And now, her position as the world’s only remaining superpower is being challenged by a developing European Union, a resurgent Russia, and a burgeoning China.

Remember, modern Ephraim and Manasseh were to uniquely carry the name Israel in the “latter days.” There are many prophecies in the Bible concerning the House of Israel. Obviously, many have been fulfilled; others, however, are yet to be fulfilled. At the same time, many prophecies in the Bible are dual in application. In such cases, there is a former or initial fulfillment, usually smaller in scale and impact, followed much later by a final, complete fulfillment. This “ultimate fulfillment” is typically designed to occur during the “latter days.” Many of the prophecies concerning the rise and decline of Israel fall into this category: they applied initially to the original nation of Israel, but subsequently apply on a greater level to modern-day Israel—to Britain and America (see Chapter 16 for a full explanation of “prophetic duality”). As previously noted, Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 are often referred to as the “blessings and curses” chapters. These chapters outline the many blessings God would pour out on the people of Israel if they were obedient; but they also reveal, in stark detail, the curses that would befall the nation if it departed from God’s ways.

As the birthright nations of Joseph, Britain and America—identified prophetically by the name Israel—have reaped the incalculable blessings promised by God to Abraham. Our nations have done nothing to earn or deserve those blessings—for they are based solely on God’s unbreakable covenant with Abraham. But maintaining those blessings is another matter. As we will see in the next chapter, the Anglo-American peoples have left their moral foundation—a foundation once based on the Scriptures. Thus, the prophesied curses have begun to multiply and will soon overtake our nations. As God warns in Leviticus 26:25, He will indeed “avenge the quarrel of His covenant,” bringing corrective punishment on modern Israel for her blatant, ongoing violation of His biblical precepts—expressly the Ten Commandments.

Throughout the remainder of this book, we will refer to many of these curses. Prophecies will be brought out that have a final or “latter day” fulfillment for modern Israel—following the “pattern” set by their initial, ancient fulfillment. Moreover, as we will see, there are numerous prophecies concerning Israel that have never yet been fulfilled in any form, as they are clearly intended for the end time.

The Rapid Decline of Modern Joseph

Without question, the 19th and 20th centuries were dominated by Britain and America. But just as their rise to greatness was both rapid and unprecedented, their decline is now accelerating—and their ultimate demise will no doubt be shocking and tragic.

In two world wars, the British Empire and the United States saved virtually the entire civilized world from fascist powers bent on global domination. But the wars left Britain’s economy in shambles and robbed her of two generations of young men. With her financial reserves drained, the British Empire began to crumble. Starting with India in 1947, one colony after another has been given independence. The British simply no longer had the will or the resources to maintain the Empire. Today, the greatest empire the world has ever known—the biblical “company of nations” of Ephraim—is gone. Pax Britannica has passed.

For two centuries the British had enjoyed an unrivaled international role. But after World War II, British supremacy began to give place to American dominance. Now the United States would assume the burden of “managing the world.” However, while America has become the greatest single nation in the history of the world, it has not been unrivaled. The post-war emergence of the Soviet Union as a superpower in its own right led to the decades-long strategic standoff known as the Cold War—which in many ways restrained American influence. With the dissolution of the Soviet bloc in 1991, America finally became the world’s only superpower. That same year, the U.S. demonstrated its global dominance by leading a coalition of forces in driving Iraq from Kuwait. Then, in 2003, the U.S. invaded Iraq to oust its leadership and set up an interim government. In both cases, America’s success was largely due to vastly superior military technology.

Today, however, America finds itself in a precarious position. In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. has become bogged down in a dubious “war on terror.” The exhausting ten-year campaign in Iraq and the ongoing war in Afghanistan are proving to be largely in vain—with a price tag that has done nothing but stunt the economy. In spite of our military might—and after the loss of some 5,000 American lives and a cost of more than one trillion dollars—the U.S. withdrew from Iraq, leaving the nation in a dangerous and unstable condition, dooming it to be eventually overtaken by extremist forces. In Afghanistan, a similar pattern will follow after the planned American withdrawal by the end of 2014. In the end, both wars will prove to be futile efforts.

At present, Russia is bullying its way into repossessing Crimea and using military intimidation to prevent Ukraine from joining the EU. Clearly, Russia no longer fears America. Meanwhile, the Obama administration is proceeding with an unprecedented military drawdown. Indeed, the world is watching and questioning America’s resolve—and our ability to lead the free world. Our allies and enemies alike (and the distinction between the two is becoming less and less clear) are waking up to the reality that the United States is no longer willing or economically able to police the world.

But who will fill the void—and at what cost to America?

To make matters worse, Washington’s current socialist-welfare agenda is putting the U.S. economy at grave risk by creating unprecedented and unsustainable national debt. America’s military, industrial and technical power is still supreme—for now. But these are directly dependant on a strong economy. As the U.S. economy continues to deteriorate, America will find itself losing its place as the undisputed leader of the free world.

At home and abroad, Great Britain and America face complex and seemingly insoluble problems. Their steady decline has, in fact, already left a noticeable vacuum of power around the globe. Consequently, other key nations—China, Russia, a German-led European Union—are all moving to challenge American hegemony.

Shocking Anglo-American Economic Decline

Following World War II, America quickly became the undisputed economic powerhouse of the world. Though economically devastated by the war, Britain and her colonies still ranked high in the production of vital materials and commodities. However, beginning in the 1960s, the Anglo- American economies began to decline. By the mid-2000s, the decline was becoming alarming. Below are some eye-opening examples.

In 1950, the United States was producing 52 percent of the worlds petroleum. Combined with British Commonwealth output, that figure came to 60 percent. But by the mid-1960s, that 60 percent had dropped to a mere 32 percent. By 2008, American production had declined to a paltry 10 percent, while production in the UK fell to just 2 percent of global output. Today, as the world’s largest consumer nation, America has found itself in the dangerous position of being dependant on foreigners for 60 percent of its oil—with much of that coming from nations that hate us! Currently, the UK imports 30 percent of its oil.1

Britain and America once mined nearly twice as much coal as all other nations combined. But by 1966, that figure had shrunk to 31 percent— less than one third of world production. By 2007, coal production in the U.S. had dropped to 16 percent of the world total; meanwhile, production in the UK was allowed to drop so low that it had to import approximately 41 million short tons of coal.

In 1950, America and the British Commonwealth boasted of 75 percent of the world’s steel production (the U.S. alone produced 60 percent). America also produced almost twice as much pig iron as all other nations combined. By 2008, the U.S. was producing only 7 percent, and the UK 1 percent, of the worlds 1.3 billion metric tons of steel. That same year, worldwide pig iron production stood at 927 million metric tons, of which the U.S. contributed a paltry 32 million tons (3.5 percent), and Britain only 10 million tons (1 percent).

America and Britain once possessed almost 95 percent of the world’s nickel, 80 percent of the world’s aluminum, and 75 percent of the world’s zinc. But by the mid 1960s, those figures had dropped dramatically: nickel, 3.6 percent; aluminum, 40 percent; and zinc, 12.4 percent. Today, the U.S. and the UK produce no nickel, but about 27 percent of the world’s total is produced by Canada and Australia. Likewise, by 2008 America’s aluminum production had dropped to 6.6 percent of world totals (Canada and Australia produced 12.7 percent), and U.S. zinc production fell to 6.8 percent. The UK is no longer listed as a zinc producer, though Canada and Australia produced 19 percent of 2008 world totals.

In 1950, American and British companies produced two thirds of the world’s rubber and dominated world markets in copper, lead, tin, and other metals. But by the mid-1960s, we produced only 23.4 percent of the world’s copper, 9.9 percent of its lead, and virtually no tin (southern England was once world renown for its tin mines). By 2008, Britain and America no longer produced any natural rubber, moving instead to synthetic rubber. That same year, U.S. copper production stood at only 8 percent of the global market, but lead production grew to 12 percent. Today, America, Britain, and Canada produce no tin.

When it came to gold production, the British Commonwealth once produced two thirds of the worlds supply—$642 million worth in 1950. The U.S. had three times as much gold held in reserve as the rest of the world combined. But by the mid-60s, much of America’s gold supply had been dangerously drained. In 2008, the U.S. mined about 10 percent of the world’s supply, the UK virtually none.

In 1971, then-U.S. President Richard Nixon took America off the gold standard and refused to redeem overseas dollars with gold, a move that caused a gradual decline in confidence in gold. Subsequently, gold prices began fluctuating wildly, reflecting speculation and other market trends. In response, the central banks of numerous nations sold off their gold reserves (Britain, for example, sold off its national gold reserve by 2002). Without the backing of gold, however, many analysts contend that paper money systems are doomed to eventual failure.

For many decades, the United Kingdom was the undisputed leader in shipbuilding, constructing more vessels than any other country. But today, over 90 percent of all ships are built by Japan, South Korea, China and the European Union. The United States claims a paltry one percent of the global shipbuilding market. Moreover, as of 2007, not one of the world’s top ten major seaports is located in the U.S. or Britain.

Great Britain and America once possessed over half of the world’s merchant fleet tonnage. By 1966, that figure had dropped to only 32 percent. In 2008, worldwide shipping companies utilized over 36,300 merchant ships transporting approximately one billion dead-weight tons. With a mere 876 vessels, Britain owned only 2.5 percent of that tonnage. The U.S., operating 1,769 ships, owned 3.8 percent. These figures reveal an astonishing decline in American and British commerce—a drop over a 40-year period from 32 percent to a combined 6.3 percent. Today, the vast majority of freight moved in and out of America is carried on ships operating under foreign flags. This arrangement represents a serious danger to the U.S. economy, not to mention our national security.

America has always been known for its production of automobiles, once producing 73 percent of the world’s market. By the mid 1960s, the U.S. and Britain combined only produced 55 percent (44 percent from the U.S.). By 2007, America’s share had dropped to 15 percent, with Asian producers accounting for 42 percent, followed by Europe’s 31 percent.

As indicated by these statistics, the British and American economies have been in decline for decades. Today, both nations are hampered by stagnant economies and runaway debt. In particular, America stands on the brink of disaster because of massive government debt.

Looming Anglo-American Economic Ruin

In the aftermath of the 2008 global financial meltdown, Britain has had to rethink its role in today’s world—a role essentially without economic clout. As with America, excessive spending and debt accumulation—both public and private—have brought the British economy almost to its knees. The Newsweek article “Forget the Great in Britain” describes Britain’s economic recession as a “watershed moment.” “The country’s public debt is soaring, possibly doubling to a record high of 100 percent of GDP [Gross Domestic Product] over the next five years”—according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The National Institute for Economic and Social Research forecasts that “the effects will cascade all across the government. Budgets will be slashed at the Ministry of Defense and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, affecting Britain’s ability to project power, hard and soft. And there’s little that can be done to reverse the trend….”2

The article continues: “The global recession has hit virtually every country, but Britain more than most. The great engine room of British prosperity, the financial sector, now feels like an anchor. Britain has slipped into deflation—a decline in general price levels—for the first time in 50 years. The IMF believes Britain’s economic slump will be deeper and longer than that of any other advanced economy. The number of Britons claiming unemployment benefits has jumped from 1.3 million (4.6 percent of the workforce) in 1999 to more than 2 million [in 2009] and is on track to top 3 million.” In fact, “Britain is arguably saddled with the worst public finances of any major nation, thanks to voracious spending in recent years and to borrowing that is growing faster than in other developed nations.”

Describing circumstances in the UK as the “end of a political era,” the article soberly notes: “History has been closing in on Britain for some time.” Now, the nation’s role in the world will “shrink with its budget.”

In an effort to reduce the country’s crippling debt, harsh austerity measures have been enacted—the toughest peacetime fiscal management action in UK history. Treasury officials plan 81 billion pounds ($128 billion) in spending cuts through 2015, which will ax welfare payments, slash government services, and eliminate half a million public sector jobs.

One of the key blessings promised to Israel was financial prosperity. Likewise, unparalleled economic power was part of the birthright blessings promised to modern Joseph: “And you shall loan to many nations, and you shall not borrow”—for there would be no need to borrow (Deut. 28:12). As such, modern Israel was to dominate other nations (verse 13). But one of the primary curses for continued disobedience to God would be the loss of such a privileged position—i.e., eventually becoming debtor nations (verses 43-44). America, in particular, is borrowing money from other nations at an unprecedented rate. After World War II, America was the world’s greatest creditor nation. But in little more than a generation, America has become the greatest debtor nation in history—with no hope of ever being able to repay its loans. The eventual outcome can only be virtual slavery to other nations. As Proverbs 22:7 says, the borrower is servant to the lender.

As the year 2000 ended, America’s national debt was $5.7 trillion.3 Since then, U.S. debt has exploded. The 9/11 (2002) attacks resulted in huge expenditures for America’s “war on terror”—effectively doubling the debt to $10.7 trillion by the end of 2008. Then, following the 2008 election of Barrack Obama, the nation’s debt rose dramatically—largely as a result of his failed attempt to “stimulate” the economy through increased government spending. By the end of Obama’s first term, the national debt stood at $15.5 trillion—and the U.S. was borrowing 40 cents of every dollar it spent. This is the number one reason the national debt continues out of control.4

Obama’s economic strategy is fundamentally flawed, as it relies on spending rather than frugality. But the fact is, it is impossible to resolve debt problems—caused by previous over-borrowing—by borrowing even greater amounts of money. Countries such as China—which currently holds $1.3 trillion of our debt—have “financed America” by buying U.S. bonds and other debt instruments. But such lenders are now sending signals that they may soon be unable—or unwilling—to purchase much more of our debt.

Compounding the problem is the fact that the Federal Reserve has resorted to printing needed funds—called “quantitative easing” or QE. The latest round, QE3, which began in September of 2012, is described by the Federal Reserve as “infinite”—meaning the presses will keep running, cranking out $85 billion a month in fake money. To date, the QE program has added $3 trillion worth of new greenbacks. But such “assets” are bogus because they have no backing and do not represent real wealth. Indeed, assets created by fiat lack the backing of wealth, gold or silver—and can only devalue the dollar, leading America eventually into hyperinflation. Mathematically, this financial strategy can only end in one way—a total catastrophe.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama, having been reelected, is overseeing the greatest expansion of government in U.S. history. Entitlement and welfare programs are swelling with unprecedented numbers of new beneficiaries. For example, an astounding 33 percent of Americans now receive some kind of government subsidized food assistance under one or more of the dozen programs run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Of these, the old “food stamp” program—recently renamed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP—has grown dramatically. Since Obama took office, the number of beneficiaries receiving “food stamps” has doubled—to its current one in six Americans.5

In other areas of government expansion, “Obamacare” threatens to turn the nation’s healthcare industry into a three-ring circus, which will no doubt ultimately result in a complete government takeover of one sixth of the U.S. economy; unreasonable tax increases are squelching small business growth, contributing to ongoing record unemployment; and restrictions and controls over businesses are creating an intrusive, overly bureaucratic, socialistic government bent on controlling the lives of Americans.

At the end of 2012, America’s gross federal debt—a mind-boggling $16-plus trillion—surpassed the national output of our sluggish economy at 102.7 percent of GDP.6 And that debt is still growing—fast. Only once has our nation’s debt exceeded output—during World War II, when the U.S. racked up a huge debt in an effort to defeat the Axis powers (but with the booming economy that followed the war, that debt was quickly paid off).

Today, government expenditures for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, various welfare programs, and the interest on the national debt continue to rise—with no end in sight. With the White House and Congress divided by partisan politics as never before, it seems that neither has the political will to bring spending under control. The result? The failure of our government to come to grips with the nation’s debt crisis led in 2012 to the first-ever downgrading of America’s credit rating—from AAA to AA+. While most Americans are oblivious to the implications of this move, its meaning is all too clear for our creditor allies: American has become a country that cannot be trusted to repay its debts!

From the perspective of other nations, the re-election of Obama is perceived as an endorsement of a set of fiscal policies that have not only set the United States on a collision course with economic disaster, but that also threaten the global economy. America, it seems, has endorsed an endless government spending spree that can no longer be held in check. It is mathematically inarguable: Just as “two plus two equals four,” the economic policies pursued by Obama and the Federal Reserve can only result in the demise of the U.S. dollar. Already, a number of countries are beginning to “diversify their holdings”—meaning they are increasingly willing to dismiss the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Experts focus on the U.S. dollar as a percentage of the world’s total money supply—and the dollar’s portion has decreased dramatically, from 90 percent in 1952 to about 25 percent today. A February 2013 CNBC report stated, “The U.S. dollar is shrinking as a percentage of the world’s currency supply, raising concerns that the greenback is about to see its long run as the world’s premier denomination come to an end.”7 As more and more countries increasingly rely on other currencies to conduct business, the dollar will continue to lose ground.

Numerous experts are already predicting the dollar’s demise. Dick Bove, vice president of equity research at Rafferty Capital Markets, is quoted in the CNBC report: “Generally speaking, it is not believed by the vast majority that the American dollar will be overthrown. But it will be, and this defrocking may occur in as short a period as five to ten years.” Concerning QE3, Bove added, “If the dollar loses status as the world’s most reliable currency, the United States will lose the right to print money to pay its debt. It will be forced to pay this debt.” But how—and with what? No one will even want the once-almighty dollar. When nations—particularly the size of America—default on their debt, allies suddenly become enemies; trade wars and embargoes result—then real wars! As we will see in a later chapter, this is exactly where Bible prophecy says America and Britain are headed!

How critical is it that the United States maintains the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency? Michael Pento, president of Pento Portfolio Strategies, puts it like this: “The number one security issue we have as a nation is the preservation of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. It’s a thousand times more important than a nuclear bomb being tested by North Korea. It’s a thousand times more important that we keep the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and yet we are doing everything to abuse that status.”8

By world standards, Americans have lived lavishly, even wastefully, always living beyond our means. We are preoccupied with material things, obsessed with entertainment, addicted to satisfying our every lust—while being woefully ignorant of the divine source of our tremendous blessings. But we are no longer blessed—we are cursed at every turn. There is now only one outcome for America: the impending loss of the dollar’s coveted global status, coupled with hyperinflation, leading to societal collapse and government tyranny. And, finally, slavery at the hands of our enemies.

The “Ticking Time Bomb” of Unfunded Liabilities

In addition to the surging national debt, there is a growing crisis of unfunded liabilities at the state and local level. These financial burdens threaten to swamp governments across the country. At the center of the problem are pension and medical liabilities that have mushroomed out of control in a population increasingly made up of retirees, older citizens and “baby boomers” entering the social system and needing medical care. A 2010 study put the current figure for state-level unfunded liabilities at more than $1 trillion over the next decade. When the federal government’s obligations are factored in, the figure comes to $106 trillion over the next 30 years.9 That kind of money cannot be raised or simply printed—let alone paid. The fact is, millions of people are not going to get what they have been promised. What will be the societal consequences of such a default?

Numerous states and cities are already facing insolvency. A prime example is Detroit, which in mid-2013 declared bankruptcy, the largest city in U.S. history—and perhaps the modern world—to take such drastic action. In this case, the declaration of insolvency allowed Detroit to abandon many of its financial obligations—including some $3.5 billion worth of pension payments. The same scenario is being played out in other major cities across America—including Chicago, which owes $19 billion in pension payments it doesn’t have, and the city of Los Angeles, which is more than $30 billion in the hole (the state of California itself is teetering on bankruptcy).

Once the hub of industrial output in America, Detroit is in a state of economic collapse. In addition to its massive pension debts, the city owes money to tens of thousands of vendors, contractors and lenders—about $19 billion worth. Detroit has gone in 60 years from being one of the world’s most prosperous cities, with one of the highest standards of living, to one of the poorest in the West. What was the underlying cause of Detroit’s demise? To call it fiscal mismanagement would be glossing over the truth: high taxation on both businesses and individuals—with an eye toward the redistribution of wealth, i.e., welfare programs—was a main cause. The effect was to drive away business and to make more people poor. (This, of course, is the same economic approach the Obama administration is taking.) Another key cause has been the ill-advised “outsourcing” of manufacturing and industry to other parts of the world—all in the name of our “global economy.”

As America’s first “third world” city, Detroit has largely become a ghost town: some 80,000 buildings have been abandoned, including 78,000 homes. Once boasting of a population of two million, Detroit is home today to a mere 700,000. Most of its schools have closed, only 53 of its 300-plus city parks remain open, and the city no longer consistently provides even basic services to the residents who remain. Infested with urban blight, its crumbling infrastructure is beyond repair. But—the city still boasts of Ford, GM and Chrysler, bailed out by taxpayer dollars. And, while sales are up a bit for 2013, all three automakers are once again maxed out on debt—which no doubt signals their impending failure (or another bailout).

Detroit’s plight is an ominous warning sign for the nation. But God foretold that modern Israel’s major cities would be “cursed” (Deut. 28:16). Indeed, all of America’s key cities are cursed—they are impressive to view from a distance, but they are decayed, largely bankrupt, and riddled with corruption, crime, and drug abuse. Whole neighborhoods are overrun by unassimilated immigrants, poverty and unemployment are widespread, the schools are a miserable failure, thousands are homeless, and untold numbers are fleeing the city in hopes of a better life in rural areas.

“Strangers” Among Us

When it comes to commerce, the Anglo-American dependence on foreigners is increasing at an alarming rate. Of particular concern is how America is selling off businesses, industries, land, infrastructure—anything of value—to nations that “own our debt.” As noted earlier, just a few decades ago America was a lender nation: “And you shall loan to many nations, and you shall not borrow.” As long as we remained a nation that trusted in God—as we proudly display on all of our money, “In God we trust”—we would make wise fiscal decisions, prosper, and never need to borrow. But America and Britain no longer honor God, and He has been slowly but surely removing the birthright blessings we inherited as modernday Joseph. Today our “prosperity” is but a house of cards, ready to come crashing down when the nations of the world grow weary of financing our lavish, materialistic lifestyles.

Borrowing is now deeply entrenched into the Anglo-American way of life. As noted, the U.S. is borrowing money from other nations at an unprecedented rate. We can never repay these debts—and the nations know it. Thus, they are in a position to dominate us—which they soon will. As we will see, the Bible refers to these nations as our illicit “lovers”—who will ultimately turn and devour us. God warned ancient Israel of this very curse—and the same warning is for us today: “The stranger [non-Israelite] dwelling among you will rise higher and higher above you”—dominating, moving into a superior economic position—“while you will come down lower and lower. He shall loan to you, but you shall not loan to him. [And what is the result of this massive debt accumulation?] He shall be the head, and you shall be the tail” (Deut. 28:43-44; author’s paraphrase).

Who are the “strangers” dwelling among us? In the interests of a so-called “global economy,” the U.S. has foolishly allowed numerous nations to “invest” in America—to own and operate thousands of industries and business here on our land. They prosper at our expense, dominating markets once held by American companies. For example, in 1998, Ford, Chrysler and GM—the “Big Three”—accounted for 76 percent of all auto sales in the U.S. But today, foreign manufacturers with assembly plants on American soil produce the majority of vehicles sold in the U.S. The saying “Made in America” now has a rather hollow ring!

Today, a great deal of what Americans consume is “made in China.” To satisfy our insatiable greed for greater profit margins, U.S. companies have “outsourced” manufacturing jobs to other countries where wages and costs are lower—primarily China. Since 2000, the U.S. has lost a staggering 32 percent of such jobs—some to outsourcing, some to foreign competition. Since 2001, America has lost more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities to foreign relocation—mostly to China. According to the Economic Policy Institute, America is losing half a million jobs to China each year. The result is that over the past decade the Chinese economy has grown seven times faster than the U.S. economy. According to the IMF, China will soon pass the United States to become the largest economy in the world.10

Currently, the United States is able to make reasonable payments on its massive debt. But as our economy continues to decline and our national debt accumulates, creditor nations are getting wary; increasingly, they want to see some kind of tangible return for their investment. As a result, foreign creditors—which includes national governments, businesses, industries, and investment groups—are literally buying up anything of value in America. Thus, America is being sold piecemeal to those nations to which we are the most indebted—such as China. In fact, over the past several years, the Chinese government and large Chinese corporations—which are frequently partially owned by the government—have been systematically buying up industries, businesses, homes, farmlands, real estate, infrastructure, and natural resources all over America. Today the U.S. owes China about $1.3 trillion, and China is intent on converting some of that debt into equity. The result has been the widespread “economic colonization” of America. China already owns numerous U.S. industries, businesses, infrastructures, high-value lands, etc. Moreover, they are bringing their own people here to run and manage these purchases. (For shocking details on how the current U.S. economy compares to China’s, see Appendix 7.)

Increasingly, modern Israel is truly at the mercy of foreigners—just as the Bible predicted. These “strangers among us” are rapidly positioning themselves to dominate our economy—even major portions of our society. The prophet Hosea wrote primarily to Israel—the northern tribes. In chapter two, he addresses Israel as a woman given to harlotry—who has pursued illicit “lovers” (verse 5). In geopolitical terms, this would correspond to Israel turning its back on God as her rightful “husband” and provider and pursuing alliances with foreign nations. This is precisely what Britain and America have done!

We see the same symbolism used in Jeremiah 30—a pivotal chapter dealing with the time of “Jacob’s trouble” (verse 7), which is God’s soon-coming corrective punishment on modern Anglo-American Israel. In verse 14, we see that Israel has been abandoned by her “lovers”—foreign nations in which she placed her trust, instead of looking to God. Verse 16 suggests that these “lovers” will become devouring enemies! Likewise, Ezekiel 23 brings out that Samaria, here called Aholah (verse 4), played the harlot with her “lover” Assyria (verse 5)—the very nation that later turned on her and took the northern tribes into captivity (verse 9; for more on Assyria, see Appendix 9).

This is exactly where the United States and Britain are headed. We have turned our backs on God and are increasingly placing our confidence in alliances with foreign nations—nations that will ultimately participate in our final downfall!

The Curse of Unrestrained Immigration

As a matter of history, America has embraced vast numbers of legal immigrants. After all, some immigration is healthy for a developing nation. But uncontrolled immigration—both legal and illegal—can have profoundly negative consequences on a people. Unlike the immigrants that contributed to the early development of America—who came to this country with the dream of becoming Americans—today’s ongoing flood of immigrants has overwhelmingly adopted the liberal ideology of multiculturalism. Thus, they have resisted assimilation—resisted becoming Americans. They don’t come here today to build a life based on the American dream, they come here to take advantage of our freedom—and numerous welfare and entitlement programs—colonizing in isolated communities, maintaining their own culture and religions. As a result, whole societies are becoming fragmented along ethnic and cultural lines. Moreover, in most immigrant communities crime and poverty are rampant.

In free societies such as in Britain and America, a lack of cultural unity can only lead to conflict. Thus, immigrants today are far more apt to become a divisive force, particularly when they are highly concentrated in major urban areas. Indeed, a key factor of the ongoing decline of Anglo- American Israel is the scourge of unrestrained immigration.

Increased poverty and gang-related crime are not the only problems associated with uncontrolled immigration. In America today, immigrants (both legal and illegal) account for a serious drain on the economy. Now, under Obama’s proposed immigration agenda—which features across-theboard amnesty for illegals—immigrants stand to benefit even more from our growing welfare programs.

Another impact of immigration—with highly significant long-term implications—is how it has changed U.S. demographics. For the first time in our history, as of 2012, more than half of all babies born in America belong to ethnic minorities. While whites are in no danger of becoming a minority anytime soon—at current trends, whites would become a minority by about 2040—this does portend a dangerous trend politically. As was demonstrated in the 2012 reelection of Barack Obama, minority groups already have considerable voting clout, particularly in key swing states (over 70 percent of minority voters voted for Obama). A vital aspect of the Democratic Party’s agenda is to garner minority votes—even if they have to buy them. This means more welfare, more free healthcare, more food stamps, possible amnesty for illegals—whatever it takes to keep liberal democrats in office.

Across the pond, the situation is much more dire. For a thousand years Britain has historically been a largely homogeneous society. Thus, unlike America, Britain has never been a nation of immigrants—until the past few decades. Ominously, an upsurge in immigration in recent years has literally remade Britain.

Europe in general is experiencing tremendous immigration strain— mostly due to Muslim immigrants. The same is true for the UK. Shockingly, white Brits are a minority in London today, making up only 45 percent of the population. According to the British magazine Standpoint, the Muslim population in England and Whales almost doubled from 2002 to 2012, going from 1.5 million to 2.7 million. The article’s author, Douglas Murray, adds that if you include illegals, the stats are much higher. Based on recent census data, Murray says there is a “troubling future” ahead for Britain.11

Murray notes that three million UK homes have no adult who speaks English. He writes: “Mass immigration has altered our country completely. It has become a radically different place, and London has become a foreign country.” Overall, he says, this massive immigration trend has “made us poorer, drained our resources, and brought cultural practices we could happily do without.” He refers specifically to Muslim cultural practices in which immigrants are attempting to “impose parallel legal systems” (sharia law) and other “norms of behavior” contrary to the traditional British way of life. He adds that “specific cultural ideas and attitudes that some immigrants bring with them … [are] pre-medieval.” Instead of expecting immigrants to assimilate British culture, Britain has encouraged them to bring their beliefs, customs, religions—and hatred—to Britain.

Murray laments that the UK’s Office for National Statistics labels the massive influx of immigrants as mere “diversity”—an indication of the government’s multiculturalist leanings. In fact, according to the Daily Mail, the government has in recent years intentionally “embarked on a policy of mass immigration to change Britain into a multicultural society…. During the period that Labour has been in office, mass immigration has simply changed the face of Britain. The total number of immigrants since 1997 is pushing three million.” The article accuses the former Labour government of trying to deliberately “change the ethnic composition of the country” for political gain—to lock in future supporters who would be “expected to vote Labour” (this is not unlike what Obama is doing by greatly expanding the American “welfare state”).12

Ultimately, the article says, the Labour Party “set out to destroy the right of the British people to live in a society defined by a common history, religion, law, language and tradition. They set out to destroy forever what it means to be culturally British, and to put another ‘multicultural’ identity in its place.”

But even among those who are genuinely concerned, Murray says that “defeatism” best describes the current government’s plan to deal with the issue. European experts, he adds, are saying, “It cannot be stopped.”

According to Murray, the problem in England—like in America—is an inordinate fear of being labeled racist. The Mail article adds that those who express concerns about UK immigration issues are “dismissed with utter contempt as racists.” For now, it appears that the British leadership has chosen to “look the other way.” Meanwhile, however, as Murray says, “British identity itself is at stake.”

It is indeed as God has said: “For My people”—both ancient Israel and modern Anglo-American Israel—“are foolish; they have not [truly] known Me; they are stupid children, and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge” (Jer. 4:22). Britain is so afraid of offending Muslim “sensitivities” and being labeled racist that its leaders cannot bring themselves to confront Islam outright. Instead, Britain’s leadership continues to turn to the illusion of politically correct multiculturalism. Perhaps we should take to heart Hosea’s words, that modern-day Israel has racially “mixed himself among the people…. Strangers have eaten up his strength, and he does not know. Yea, gray hairs are here and there on him, yet he knows it not” (Hosea 7:8-9).

“Where there is no vision…”

Today, Britain and America are confronted with massive economic and social problems unparalleled in history. Yet the harder our leaders work at solving our problems—the more money they spend attempting to rescue our economies—the more entangled the problems become.

Ultimately, our nations’ problems are not really economic, social or political—they are spiritual. Britain and America have forsaken God—we have rejected His rule both as nations and as individuals. As the following chapter will bring out, our Anglo-American nations have been undergoing a steep moral decline for decades—and even “Christianity” has failed to make a difference. Now, time has caught up with us. Just as we have been the recipients of divinely-promised blessings of immeasurable magnitude, we are now reaping the prophesied curses for our rejection of God.

When humans reject God and refuse to believe and follow His Word, they are left to their own devices—which eventually always fail, for “there is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of death” (Prov. 14:12). They also lose their sense of national vision. Proverbs 29:18 says that “where there is no vision, the people perish”—the nation will, in time, fall.

In his eye-opening book America the Beautiful, Dr. Ben Carson says America—and certainly Britain as well—has lost her vision. Noting that America is now a nation that has “turned inward,” he writes that “it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern what the vision for America is. Do we really know who we are and what we stand for? Do we know what we believe in?” Yet, he adds, the key to our past success was a “well-defined vision for the nation.”13

Indeed, with the loss of our moral compass, our nations seemingly have little purpose in the world. Beset with serious problems and challenges at home and abroad, our leaders lack both the wisdom and the will to respond appropriately. One of the curses God warned of for modern Israel’s continued disobedience was that He would break the pride of her power (Lev. 26:19). There are numerous ideas as to what this means. But notice that God did not say He would break our power (though that will come), but the pride of our power. Today, America and Britain still have considerable power—be it defined economically, politically, militarily, etc. But having lost our national vision, we no longer take pride in our role as leaders of the free world. The historic boldness and confidence are gone—vanquished by our moral depravity. Thus, it seems the pride of our power has been broken. Consequently, we have conceded to a form of “global political correctness” that despises strong leadership. (Barack Obama’s numerous apologies for America’s past leadership role bear witness to this growing viewpoint.)

Just as the rise of America and Britain to global dominance changed the world in countless positive ways, the accelerating decline of Anglo- American influence will likewise impact the entire world—in profound and frightening ways.


1. U.S. oil production has continued to increase over time, but its share of global output has decreased—largely due to increased output by other nations (today it stands at 13 percent, ranking third behind Russia and Saudi Arabia). The point to these statistics is to show that the U.S. no longer has the economic impact it once did—such as when it produced half of the worlds oil supply.

2. Stryker McGuire, “Forget the Great in Britain,” Newsweek (Aug. 17, 2009). On the Internet, the article has been renamed “The Last Gasps of the British Empire” (see

3. This refers to the total national or public debt, which is money borrowed by the federal government.

4. When Obama took office in 2009, America’s national debt was just over $10 trillion. By the end of 2013, it had reached $17 trillion—mostly due to Obama’s spending programs. It is predicted that by the time he leaves office in 2016, the U.S. debt will exceed $20 trillion!

5. During the five years Obama has been in office (2009-2013), the federal government has spent a total $3.7 trillion on approximately 80 different poverty and welfare programs (these do not include Social Security or Medicare). Moreover, the states contribute more than $200 billion annually to this federal nexus, primarily in the form of free low-income health care. (“U.S. Spending on Welfare Fast Approaching $1 Trillion per Year,” Natural News, Nov. 4, 2013. From

To some extent, welfare and entitlement growth reflects the ongoing problems of underemployment and stagnant wages in America. But in the case of SNAP, the Obama administration has made it significantly easier to qualify for assistance. Many see this is an example of Obama’s political agenda: expand the American “welfare state” in order to effectively buy Democratic votes for future elections.

6. The gross federal debt is the sum of public debt and intra-government debt (money owed by one branch of the government to another).

7. “Is the Dollar Dying? Why U.S. Currency Is in Danger,” CNBC (Feb. 14, 2013); see


9. “Financial Disaster Looms for America: $106 Trillion in Unfunded Obligations Mounting Up Over 30 Years,” Natural News (June 20, 2013). From

10. Does China Plan To Establish Chinese Cities And Special Economic Zones All Over America? -

11. Douglas Murray, “A Census that Revealed Our Troubling Future,” Standpoint (March 2013);

12. “The Secret Plot to Destroy Britain’s Identity,” Daily Mail (Feb. 24, 2010)

13. Dr. Ben Carson, America the Beautiful, p. 110